
*Rare white otter spotted in River Ayr, Scotland (Ayrshire Post)

*Rafts of sea otters in Ucluelet waters exciting residents (Westerly News)

*Excluded male Sea Otters causing death of seal juveniles (Discovery News)

*Sea Otter count falls along California coastline - Spring Census 

*Aukland Zoo's new otter pups! (Stuff.co.nz)

*NY State ZOO opens river otter exhibit! (Watertown Daily Times)

*From a trip to the Amazon- I have some Giant Otter footage! ...and I a load of photographs!

OtterQuest (c) 1999-current. Contact OtterQuest.

OtterQuest is part of Quest-3.com (aka Quest (cubed)) , a non-profit org, focused on improving Eco-Awareness (C).